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SocialMiner helps spot issues and solve problems on social media sites, before they get out of hand

Social media is transforming the way we communicate. We now tweet, rather than email - and we're not slow in venting our frustrations online. But this instant interaction raises expectations and puts huge pressures on customer service teams. Fail to provide a quick, personal, consistent service - and everyone will soon know about it!

For a long time, social media fell under the influence of the marketing department. It was seen primarily as a way to raise the brand profile and reach more customers. But the big thing about social media is that it works both ways – people expect a response. This is not broadcast media. The popularity and influence of social media has seen it evolve into an essential communication channel for any organisation with an online presence.

Social media can help deliver better customer service or a stronger brand identity, but it creates challenges for the customer service and contact centre people who have to adapt to these new channels. To manage it effectively, agents, supervisors and managers need a single view of the customer. That means your social media strategy has to be integrated into your existing customer service functions - and be flexible enough to adapt.

So how do you keep on top of something as vast, fast and changeable as Twitter or Facebook? How do you know when someone is unhappy – and how do you prioritise those who need to contacted?

Cisco SocialMiner is a smart application that monitors social sites, analyses posts and prioritises contacts based on your preferred filters or search terms. This makes it possible to spot issues and solve problems before they explode and overwhelm the contact centre.

SocialMiner also manages the Communication Workflow, enabling you to assign responses to the most appropriate customer service advisor and manage and share work queues so that experts can work together to handle responses.

Of course, responding to every tweet where you're mentioned is impossible, but you can also add tools like Klout to help pinpoint the people who most influence others, based on the social network, how active they are, the number of channels they use and how often they are spoken about or re-tweeted.

SocialMiner can be set up to only answer comments when a Klout score hits a certain threshold. These are the social media users you need to target to ensure their experience of your brand - the experience they share with hundreds, thousands or even millions of others - is a positive one.

Book a visit to your nearest BT showcase to see a live demonstration of SocialMiner and find out exactly what social media can do for your brand

The autonomous customer

  • 55% of consumers have interacted with a company using social media
  • 20% of consumers will use Facebook to communicate with organisations in 2013
  • 55% of consumers raising an online complaint expect a response the same day
  • 83% of people who complained on Twitter liked or loved a response by the company.

View the Autonomous Customer infographic on BT Let's Talk >